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Friday, February 23, 2007

February 23, 2007

OKAY HERE IS THE TEXT VERSION: I have left the graphics .jpg shots on below. Browse at your leisure!

February 23, 2007Edition 11Editor: ~Heather615

HAPPY BIRTHDAY:Would you like to wish your DC a Happy Birthday in the newsletter? Want to let other nesties know how proud you are that your DC is celebrating a birthday? Want to wish a Happy Birthday to another nestie? Email me and I will put your birthday wishes in the upcoming newsletter.
Nestie Book Review
Idea submitted by PinkFlowerIt’s hard to pick up a book to read when we have precious little time to spare – so isn’t it better to read one that you have “heard” good things about? We’re looking for volunteers to send in a review of a book that they’ve read recently. The reviews will be included in upcoming newsletters for other nesties to read. This way, we can see what others think of a book and decide whether we want to read it! If you have a review you’d like to submit, send it to
Tim Saving Tips
by SandraChelle
• Spray a small amount of your favorite perfume or cologne on a light bulb before turning it on. When the bulb heats up, your fragrance will drift through the room.
•If you’re trying to save money, put all of your change into a jar or piggy bank. You’ll be surprised at how fast it adds up. Use this if trying to save up for a special occasion or to get that newest gadget.
•Mix equal parts Vaseline with your baby’s bum cream (I use Penaten). It will make that expensive but needed cream last longer.
**If you have a tip to share, please SandraChelle on the nest or email:**
Having trouble reading the newsletter with all the graphics? You can view a text only version at:
As always, enjoy!

Tax Tips by BVHCPA
Tax RETURN = the form you file with the government.
Tax REFUND = the amt you may or may not receive after filing a tax return.
Please note the difference.

A quick and dirty lesson on the difference between filing status and withholding status: Your filing status is a statutory decision made by the IRS - you are either Single, Head of Household or Married. If you are Married, you have the choice of filing Married, Joint or Married, Separate. You must file in the appropriate category - no exceptions. Your withholding status is determined entirely by you. You may choose any of a hundred different options, from Single and 0 to Married and 12. It is even perfectly legal to have $0 withheld from your pay, as long as you withhold and remit the Social Security and Medicare that is required. Your withholding status relates only to the amount of Federal Income Tax withheld (and sometimes your State Income Tax withheld, depending on your state). Generally, the lower the number of exemptions you claim (i.e. 0), the more is withheld and the less you take home. Conversely, the higher the number of exemptions you claim (i.e. 12), the less is withheld and the more you take home. It is generally advisable to stick with a "reasonable" estimate of the actual number of exemptions you have. For example, I claim Married, 2. Because of our tax situation, I will not increase it to Married, 3 when Cousin It comes. Each person is different - do not ask a stranger on the internet to decide for you.

Miscellaneous State Tax Credits filed under the weird and bizarre:
Michigan - Still Birth Credit - up to $150 for each still birth born to you during 2006, for which you have a copy of the Certificate of Stillbirth from your County Health Department

Georgia - Driver Education Credit - up to $150 for any person completing a Driver Education Course. Courses completed in conjunction with a high school do not qualify.

Arizona - up to $5,000 of Arizona lottery winnings are exempt from income tax, subject to limits on your Gambling Loss deduction.
Parenting Board Crossword By WhiteOrchid.

1. A 24-7 job
3. Resident accountant
4. Helps a baby learn to sit
5. A bird's home
6. Newly expecting
11. acronym for one who doesn't work outside the home
13. Earth saving poop collectors to some
14. Short for a recent celebrity death
15. Goals for babies to meet
16. Internet term for a laugh
2. A terribly unfortunate GBCN :(
4. Short hand for the board most of us came from
7. The devil's food (according to some) ;)
8. Has 3 boys with a girl on the way
9. Co-hosts of baby contest morning talk show
10. A mommy's best soothing friend
12. What happens when the hole doesn't work

For the solution, see the last page of the newsletter.
Product Review Written & Complied by jenerally

This Week’s Product Review: Diapers!

Favorite Diapers Worst Diapers
Brand names: Brand names:
Pampers 56% Luvs 33%
Huggies 29% Huggies 25%
Target Brand 14% Pampers 20%
Luvs 4% Target Brand 4%

Looking for a cloth/alternative diaper? Try these!
7th Generation

How good are generics, really?
Voted most popular Voted Least Likely to Succeed
BJ’s Brand Shaw’s/Albertson’s
FMV Costco
CVS Ultra Supreme CVS

White Cloud and Walmart Brand were both given equal good and bad reviews

Should I really get that 1,000 count box of diapers?
As a general rule (if you have a chunky/skinny baby, you may need to adjust up or down accordingly), you can use the following guidelines for disposables:
Size 1: Up to 12 lbs
Size 2: Up to 16 lbs
Size 3: Up to 22 lbs (you may want to try size 4 for overnights)
Size 4: Up to 26 lbs (a chubby 20 lb’er was in this size; however)
Size 5 & 6: Up to 34 lbs, depending on size of child. 2T pull-ups were also used

Misc. Comments
Many did not like Pampers Baby Dry, but raved about the Swaddlers version
The biggest complaint was that diapers had no “stretch” to the tabs or that the diapers themselves weren’t soft enough
The second biggest complaint was diapers leaking, followed by “quality of diapers” and then “the smell” the diapers had either before or after DC filled the diaper up.

The HappyScrappy family– Buying their first home & closing on April 30!
Juniper450 – Fiona born 1/26/07
Pugowner210 – Haley born 1/30/07
LilRhody – Sophie 1/31/07
JessCT – Logan born 2/9/07


pjscooby – GIRL!!
DandR – BOY!!
Lisita6 – TWIN BOYS!
Melanee- BOY!

Nestie Want Ads

Looking for 12M+ sleepers in any color, as long as they are from a smoke free home – email MrsBrousard2B at if you have any to sell!Looking for TWO gently-used Floppy Seat Covers – email PinkFlower at if you have any to sell.Looking for a Twingles Tray if anyone has one for sale. It's no longer available at One Step Ahead and I tried Ebay but can't find it there either. Email Mommy-2-Madison at if you have one to sell. Looking for a good deal on a used double stroller that is in very good condition. Ideally, I'd like one that accepts a Graco Snugride infant seat. Email mom2jakob at if you have one to sell.

Looking for a Mickey or Minnie high back plush chair. Email Nickey22897at if you have one to sell.
If there is something you’re looking for, submit a request with your e-mail address to and the request will be put in the next newsletter.
Something tothinkabout…
5 point harness for car seats up to 80 lbs., have you heard of this?
Submitted by: michelcreek
Just saw this news story on Houston local news and wonder if it's already been discussed. A story about how booster seats are not as safe as a harness seat for kids over 40 lbs., however these harness seats are not readily available. Anyways, more of a fyi if you're interested in more info.
HappilyWedMama – Prayer for her grandmother who is moving into her house next week - pray that she does well living on her own. (she has lived with them for almost 2 years since her dh of over 50 years passed away - they were in the process of building this house together and it is now done.)Happy Scrappy – Prayers for her cousin who lost one of her twins (the boy) in utero at 23 weeks. The Drs want to induce her because of the risk of infection to the second baby but she is refusing. She wants to save her baby girl. They are only giving her 20% chance of survival at this point.
Sparky – Prayers for her cousin who just found out she has a tumor on her pituitary. She is having it removed in April, but it is a large tumor so they don't think they can remove the whole thing. Also, it is a risky surgery with several possible complications. She has a 4-yr-old and a 2-yr-old. So, we need prayers that she makes it through the surgery and the tumor can be removed.Tanzer13 – Prayers for her DS who is having a liver biopsy on 2/28.Karen&Phil – Prayers for her mom,wjo having a hip replacement next Wednesday the 28th. Her hip is so bad that the bone is chipping and she can hardly walk. She's excited to get it done, but very scared!
Dolphinfsg – Prayer to her family as her brother passed away suddenly in October from sleep apnea at the age of 27. His birthday is coming up and her family is going to need some support. slm27z – Prayers for her grandma is going through a really rough time, mentally, since the death of my grandfather 1 year ago. At her last psychologist appointment they told her if she does not gain or at least maintain her current weight, she will be hospitalized. Lisita6 – Expecting twin boys - one baby had a cyst on his brain - fairly common and expected to go away but we hope its sooner than later. U/S on 2/28 – send prayers please!

Things are really changing in your house right now, your growing toddler is starting to show she or he has a mind of their own and it is time to start enforcing a lot of those rules you and your dh have talked about so much. The new thing in my house is Kalie Rose demanding what she wants, rather than asking nicely. For example, when she wants her blanket she will tell me. "Mommy, get my blanket" while it is cute the first few times you can imagine what a problem this could grow into as she gets older. We have decided as a family, that when she does this that we will get down on her level and look into her sweet face, and say that Mommy or Daddy can not understand her when she talks like that and that it is not nice to demand for someone to get something for you, that when she can ask us nicely and say please we will get what she wants. We then ask her if she has something to ask us. Yes, the first few times we had to say “Kalie, you need to say, Mommy Please go get my blanket for me". Well to my surprise this afternoon she did not demand us to get her blanket she asked nicely the first time. It took several days of us doing the above routine when she would demand something and now she is doing it on her own. Yes it takes time and it may be easier to laugh about how cute it is that she is being so prissy, but really do you want a prissy five or six year old.

Toys, Toys and more Toys
If your house is anything like mine you have more toys than you know what to do with. We actually rotate our toys, do not keep the same ones in sight at all times. This helps with boredom and so many other things. The big problem when babies become toddlers is teaching them to clean up after themselves. I have found that singing the clean up song works wonders in getting them to participate in cleaning up. We are also teaching them that before they can bring out a different toy, they have to pick up what we were playing with. This has been a battle in my house and one we are still struggling with. I will update you on the progress and with what did and did not work for us. Right now I simply say that if they want to play with the little people toys that we must pick up the train first and I start picking up the train. They sometimes help pick it up, but for the most part they are busy trying to get to the little people toys. So wish me luck on this one.

Ear Tubes and infections
What a scary thing to learn that your baby and or toddler has to have tubes in their ears. It is a surgery and your child will have to be put under, but it is also a simple surgery and well worth the visit to the hospital. Kalie Rose had hers put in in November of last year, and it was not soon enough for me. She had two back to back ear infections that lead to one trip to the ER with a 105 degree temperature. That was it for me, I knew it was time to get the tubes for her ears. The first apt with them ENT was uneventful, he did a hearing test, and checked her ears. The next thing I knew we had the appointment set for the trip to the hospital. The surgery was set for 6:00 in the morning, we got to the hospital at 5:00 and before we knew it we were in a room full of toys that keep her busy and her mind off of not drinking anything. I actually think that is the hardest part of all of it, knowing how to deal with not letting the baby eat or drink that morning. What every you do, do not say the word sippy cup, bottle, juice or milk in front of them and be kind and not eat or drink in front of them either. They took her back right at 6:00 to the OR and I got to go with her, she also got to take her blanket. I held the mask over her face as she went to sleep and was escorted out of the room for the surgery. I walked back to the first room we were in then we were taken to PICU, where they recover. I did not have time to sit down before they were wheeling her into the room, where she woke up in my arms. She was groggy and scared but she did great. We stayed in the hospital for about 30 to 45 more minutes then we headed home. By the time we got to the house she was our normal happy two year old. You would have had no idea that she had surgery that morning. The best news, she got a bad cold in December and did not get an ear infection and she is now talking in complete sentences. While this is a very scary thing for you, just know that the doctors do this everyday and they know what they are doing. Hang in there and be sure you are doing what is best for your dear child.
Sleep training Step 2: learning your baby's cues!!

This step is, in many ways, the most difficult part of sleep training. It would be more accurate to call it Parent Training, because you're training yourself to recognize and then respond to your baby's cues. Since every baby is different, learning your baby's particular behaviors will be hugely beneficial when you begin sleep training. I also believe this will help make the creation of a sleep routine much easier for both you and your baby!

Many experts feel that a baby begins to develop the ability to sleep for extended periods of time after they're about 3 months old. They're also more likely to start (to some extent) a recognizable, regular sleep/wake schedule that relates to the clock--meaning they begin to tend toward sleeping at night and being alert during the day. As their alertness increases, so does their need for restful, restorative sleep. In very much the same way that you fuel their energy for waking hours with food and/or milk or formula, good sleep fuels your baby.

Over the course of a day, observe your baby's behavior, reactions, interactions, and physical movement. It can be helpful to keep track of the time. You've probably been doing this since your baby was born, noting when you're feeding and changing them, and now you can add to this by paying attention to the length of time your baby is awake before they become tired. On average, it's about 2-3 hours of wakefulness before a period of sleep is needed....but don't be too concerned with exact times or lengths of time just yet.
How do you know if your baby's tired? It seems obvious in some ways--your baby is tired when they're rubbing their eyes, yawning, or becoming cranky--but there are other signs of tiredness as well that might not be as clear. Some babies become less interactive when they're tired. You may notice that at some point, your baby is less engaged with you, seems 'disinterested' in playing, or even turns away from you or the stimulating activity. Some babies, when they're sleepy, begin to cry or appear distressed by activities that were previously enjoyable for them. In older babies, you might note that they've stopped crawling, cruising, or cooing. Some babies become listless while others appear 'wound up' or hyperactive. You're also looking for patterns: does your baby seem to get sleepy at around the same times each day? Does your baby's mood or need for sleep change dramatically depending on your activities? Do they get tired right after they eat or after you've done tummy time? What activities are more stimulating and which seem to calm or soothe them? How about the people your baby spends time with--is your baby more tired after spending an hour with Daddy or with you? Once you become aware of your baby's cues, you'll be able to start working on your winding-down routine, which will help your baby transition from active wakefulness to restful sleep. Until next time, good luck learning about your baby! (I'll collect everyone's notes next week.) :)

Mommy’s Luxuries
By Kelly.Dave Currently making mother's bracelets and feeding reminder bracelets. New designs coming soon!!

Preppyandpink Designs
Custom Photo Card Design by PinkFlower
Looking for a unique invitation, birth announcement or card? Email PinkFlower at or visit her website

Elegnat Lines Calligraphy
Calligraphy for weddings, showers, parties and poems!
By artgirl If interested, e-mail her at
or visit her website:

HairFair By MrsBroussard2B
Looking for cute custom made hair clips or headbands for your baby girl? Email MrsBroussard2B at for more details on her products and designs!

Noah’s Ark Animal Workshop by Nows MrsB (Jenn Baur)
Looking for something new and different for a birthday party, scout troop, daycare center or other group activity?! Check out Noah’s Ark Animal Workshop!! Noah’s Ark is a traveling Fluff-n-Stuff Workshop that comes to your door. No more treks to the mall with a group of kids, and everything associated with that-I’m a mom…I know what’s associated-crowds, kids begging for extra things, trying to get all the kids there and home, permission slips if it’s a school or scouting event, etc., etc. With Noah’s Ark, the party hostess decides what animals, outfits, etc, she wants at her party and that’s what the crew member brings. And because Noah’s Ark doesn’t have to pay mall rent, prices are more reasonable than that mall store where kids make their own stuffed animal. J

Anyway, I joined Noah’s Ark last year and love it! I never thought I could get into any of the home party businesses because I’m just not pushy. But when my sister joined, I checked it out and thought it was cool. What I especially love is that I can just do workshops with kids at birthdays, daycares, etc. and NEVER have to do a home party show (think Pampered Chef, etc) if I don’t want. I went to my 1st leadership rally in Chicago in January and LOVED it! It was great fun meeting other crew members and seeing the upcoming products that Noah’s Ark is introducing.

If you want more information about Noah’s Ark, either to host a party or possibly become a crew member, check out my website at You can also email me at with any questions. If the crew member aspect interests you, now is the time to check it out because Noah’s Ark is offering a promotional starter kit for $29 through March 16, 2007-it has all the basic tools you’d need to get your business started, including leads to daycares in your area and contact postcards. The normal kit is $129 (a $219 value) and is still available and has a lot more items for starting your business. If you sign up during the promotional period with either kit, you have the opportunity to earn a 3 day, 2 night trip. If you are interested in a party/workshop, and aren’t in my area, I can put you in touch with a local crew member.

I didn’t even mention the other great lines that Noah’s Ark recently introduced: Bella Bee Workshop (a traveling glamour girl workshop for the ‘Tween set that promotes one of 4 values: Truth & Honesty, Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence, Compassion & Caring, or the Value of Friendship), the new Noah Baby Collectors Club that will start shipping later this spring, Noah’s Birthday Club or the Noah to Goah kits that you can order online and have shipped directly to a loved one. So check out the website, and let your friends know-it is growing around the country, and it was another mom like us that started the business when she was looking for fun, new birthday ideas for her own kids.
Nutrition and Fitness Written & Compiled by Irishbride04
Have a question for our fitness expert? Page Irishbride04 on the nest or email her at!
Some new items to watch for in your grocery store!
100 Calorie Chewy Granola Bars
(Oreo, Chips Ahoy & Nutter Butter)
1.5g fat

Laughing Cow Light Cheese Spread
Serving size: 1 wedge (8 per package)
Calories: 35
Fat: 2g

All Bran Crackers, Multi-Grain
Serving size: 18 crackers
Calories: 130
Fat: 6g
Fiber: 5g


Are school rules getting out of control? You decide.

Hosting an orgy

The Great Gay debate

SAHM vs. WOHM - Round 3,276

And Round 3,277

Bashing SAHM = Jealousy

Who Am I? Confession time Kohls & Shoplifting:

Don't buy YoBaby yogurt because it has live flies in it... **snigger**

A very sad GBCN from graceandtho:
Ask and ye shall receive…

BEWARE the Dirty Delete
A cry for help or a cry for more attention? I believe this is at least the third GBCN of the week for her.
Chili Blanca
By misseltoe

2-3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 cans Great Northern Beans
1 can Shoe peg corn (Green Giant)
7-10 jalapeno slices, finely diced
1 can chicken broth (optional)

Boil chicken breast in just enough water to cover until fully cooked (about 20 min.). Tear apart into about licorice-sized strands (you can cut them but I prefer tearing), and return to water in pan. Add both cans of beans (do not drain), then drain and add corn. Stir gently as the beans tend to break apart. Simmer, now add half of jalapenos and taste. Add the rest if desired, or add even more depending on your desired heat factor. If chili is too thick add some chicken broth. Simmer around 30 minutes after the last jalapenos are added and serve. I serve mine topped w/ sour cream and shredded cheese and with cornbread. You could top w/ salsa, tortilla strips, guacamole, etc. Makes 3-4 hearty servings
Caramel Apple Cheesecake BarsBy justus4

2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened 2 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup sugar, plus 2 tablespoons, divided 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Streusel topping, recipe follows 1/2 cup caramel topping

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a medium bowl, combine flour and brown sugar. Cut in butter with a pastry blender until mixture is crumbly. Press evenly into a 13 by 9 by 2-inch baking pan lined with heavy-duty aluminum foil. Bake 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
In a large bowl, beat cream cheese with 1/2 cup sugar in an electric mixer at medium speed until smooth. Then add eggs, 1 at a time, and vanilla. Stir to combine. Pour over warm crust.
In a small bowl, stir together chopped apples, remaining 2 tablespoons sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Spoon evenly over cream cheese mixture. Sprinkle evenly with Streusel topping. Bake 30 minutes, or until filling is set. Drizzle with caramel topping.

Streusel Topping: 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup quick cooking oats 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
In a small bowl, combine all ingredients.
Espresso Toffee Fudge
By justus4
Butter-flavored cooking spray
1 stick butter
4 cups sugar
(12-ounce) can evaporated milk
2 tablespoons instant espresso powder ( I used Cafe Vienna powder from General foods)
1 (12-ounce) package semisweet chocolate chips
30 large marshmallows
3/4 cup toffee bits

Lightly coat 9 by 13-inch baking pan with butter-flavored cooking spray. In a large saucepan over medium heat, combine butter, sugar, evaporated milk, and espresso powder. Stirring constantly, bring to a rolling boil for 10 minutes (you have to follow the timing directions on this or the fudge will not set) Remove from heat and stir in chocolate chips and marshmallows until blended. Pour into prepared pan. Sprinkle toffee chips evenly over fudge and pat lightly. Cool until set, about 3 to 4 hours. Cut into bite-sized squares.
Parenting Mommies to be

jenny.d- February 9 IT'S A BOY!
Wanderlustmom- February 16 IT'S A GIRL!
MrsMeg- February 17 IT'S A BOY!
Justus4 – March 7 IT’S A GIRL!
akr&jjm- March 14
ready_for_baby- March 17 IT'S A GIRL!
JB&Emake3- March 22 IT’S A GIRL!
Becoming_untied- March 24 IT'S A GIRL!
auntsmoo – March 25
MattsBrat- March 30 IT'S A BOY!
luv_being_a_mom – March 31 IT’S A GIRL!
DJGS2005- April 1 IT'S A BOY!
JMFX2- c-section April 4 IT'S A BOY!
Needaname- April 5 IT’S A GIRL!
MarchMom06- April 6
Ang101604- April 8 SURPRISE!
LestaMarie-April 8 IT’S A BOY!
Lizwiz- April 11 Big u/s November 14
kel_bry413- April 13. SURPRISE!
Dancingmommy- April 14 SURPRISE
lisa99lmk – April 15 IT’S A BOY!
AndysKissy- April 16 IT”S A BOY!
ripcurlgirl- April 19
jnicks19- April 21 IT’S A GIRL!
Jpickles- c-section April 23 IT’SA BOY!
gomela – April 24
Dazz- May 1
Ashlynnsmommy- May 5 SURPRISE!
Amberleigh- May 11
superslug- May 11 IT’S A BOY!
ms.aug23- May 22 IT’S A GIRL!
HappyBrideMel – May 29 IT’S A GIRL!
Aries007- June 1 IT’S A GIRL!
SaraSmile0402- June 1 IT’S A GIRL!
mjl2436- June 2
ALP- June 3 IT’S A BOY!
jeepgirl2004- June 3
Krub- June 17
turtleann- June 17
JulieChili- June 18 IT’S A BOY!
AmyGrnEyz- June 22 IT’S A BOY!
daiygirl- June 22
Djaner1- June 27
Lisita6- June 28. TWIN BOYS!
HippoMommy- June 30 IT’S A BOY!
DandR- June 30 IT’S A BOY!
victorsbride- July 4
AwesomAidansMom- July 6

Melanee- July 6 IT’S A BOY!
mel8778- July 8
ccm1203 – July 10
Juleslovesjesus – July 13 IT’S A GIRL!
Ryanmakes3 – July 14
Pjscooby – July 14 IT’S A GIRL!
bvhcpa – July 17
Jen&Will – July 19 IT’S A BOY!
dcubed- July 20
Happy April Bride- July 21
Mrs.YoungSept19 – July 23 SURPRISE
Slm27z- August 2
Milhouse – August 6
mrswhite – August 6
Kevschickee2 – August 8
septnybride – August 9
PetesAngel – August 9
Mommynow – August 10
Sulla- August 15
Laura73104 – August 16
mom2jakob – August 22
NowMrsB – August 25 Big u/s 3.19
Amanimals – August 26
misseltoe- August 27
KristenandLuke – August 29
WVIovin –
baybe – September 2
MSUMommy – September 4
Mom2Natalie – September 5 TWINS!!
MichelleWP – September 7
K1226M – September 9
June20bride – September 10
Page17 – September 10
hotfudgecustard – September 21
MazzyStarz – September 21
MrsTJ –
DiSpy01 – September 27
Married2matt – September 27
MissSexyPants – September 28
shopgirl78- October 2
Jessicaandjoe – October 3
newlyengaged75 – October 7
Rik20101 – Ocotber 9
Misskitty44 – early October
Stacyski- October 24
Getnmarried910 – October 30


The Shamrock Shake is Back!

In case you didn’t see the 1,764 posts about it on the nest this week.
Apparently this is big news. ;o)


Taking out the text was taking FOREVER! SO I took the files and make .jpg out of them. It isn't perfect I know....but I am working on a way of publishing it directly to a website...text graphics and a .pdf format. But I am way to tired tonight. I will work on it tomorrow.
Try and C&P these pictures into your own word or whatever file. You can also right click and print these "pictures". Sorry Heather...the grouping and all the graphics are a bear to undo. I have to go through it line by line...:).

Taking out the text was taking FOREVER! SO I took the files and make .jpg out of them. It isn't perfect I know....but I am working on a way of publishing it directly to a website...text graphics and a .pdf format. But I am way to tired tonight. I will work on it tomorrow.

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